Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Conversations with no one.

So, I ended up falling asleep for longer than I intended. When I woke up I heard Trinity talking to someone. She was in the kitchen and I was in the living room. I heard a male voice speak.

"Why do you continue helping him? You should just let him die. You know that regardless of your actions his plan will end in death and failure."

Trinity responded a few seconds later. There was a brief pause between his statement and her response.

"He doesn't have to die. When his plan fails I can still save him. The only danger to him is you. If you refrain from acting this can end without his death."

"He'll die regardless. The Master will-"

At this point I had gotten up from the couch and moved to see into the kitchen. Trinity was in there all alone sitting on my counter. She glanced at my confused expression with her own confusion.

"What?" she asked me with a worried tinge to her voice. I shook my head and told her it was nothing.

There are possibilities here. Unfortunately they are all equally logical.

First option: Trinity is somehow involved with The Enemy but desires to protect me from one of his servants for some reason.

Second Option: I was still mostly asleep and that was just my paranoid mind.

Third Option: Other Fears are starting to target me and The Choir, a sound manipulating Fear, is trying to turn me against Trinity.

If it's the third option I'm pretty screwed.

Second option is just annoying but what they were talking about might mean I might be a bit nervous about my plan succeeding and I'm a paranoid person.

First Option: She'll have to die in the end... also The Enemy knows my plan and is confident it will fail.

None of these options are beneficial to me the second while embarrassing is probably the best possible outcome.

Regardless until I know more I can't do anything about it. Tomorrow hopefully we'll set out on the next part of the plan.

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